Museum of the Broadcast Television Camera

Pye Mk2 Pes Photicon television Camera

Pye Mk2 PES Photicon television camera side view

The BBC used the Pye Mk2 in studio P at Lime Grove together with a Photicon Telecine.

HDF (High Definition Films Ltd., of Highbury Studios) used three Pye Mk2s in their studio with a line speeds between 625 and 834 and frame rate of 24 or 25 per second with sequential scan. The system video bandwidth was up to 12Mhz. and up to 200% video highlights was possible to give the recorded pictures "sparkle". The normal recording being done in specially designed 35mm. film recorders.


There is detailed report on the "New Studio Techniques at Highbury" in British Kinematography Vol. 25 No. 6 December 1954.

The Mk2 used a PES Photicon (Pesticon), a miniature Image Iconoscope tube (Photicon) with extra electrodes and Pea bulb illumination (early form of light bias??).


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